Monday, March 23, 2015

Popular posts

The most popular posts on this blog are those that help people with their job search. Posts regarding "in career" situations are much less read. I find that interesting. What can I take away from that? Since I'm not getting a lot of two way dialog on this blog, I can only assume. My assumption is that job seekers (both the unemployed and those who consider themselves under-employed) are looking for career help much more often. That seems logical, but let's draw a parallel with marriage. You hear over and over again that marriage takes work. After being married for 12 years, I can verify that. I can also verify that the most difficult time to work on your marriage or change your situation is when your marriage is in a bad place. It is more difficult to be objective and make smart decisions.

This is also true for your career. Your career takes work- and I mean your career takes work, not just your job. Yes of course your job is work. That's why you are getting paid but managing your career needs to happen on a daily basis as well. This means checking in with yourself to see if you are happy. It means making sure you feel like you are challenged and growing. It also means making sure what you are doing either leads you to, or already is on track with your five year plan. Writing a resume, cover letter and determining references are much easier when your career is in a good place. You will make smart decisions if and when you do start that job search. 
Consistent maintenance on your career will help in both the long and short run. So go ahead and read those other posts. 

To learn more about career coaching, go to

Monday, March 9, 2015

Get a second opinion

If you are like me, your career is important to you. Deciding whether or not to apply for a job, sending a resume, going on an interview, or making a decision whether or nor to accept a job are all big decisions. The choices you make could lead nowhere or they could change your entire life. 

When considering a career move, find someone whose opinion you trust to be your sounding board. Make sure this person understands your goals and helps to keep you focused. Before making a move, consider the following:

How come you decided to update your resume? What made you decide to interview for this role at that company? How come you are considering leaving your current position? How does this new job fit with your current life? How does this new job fit into the life you want?

The closer you are to an actual job offer, the more that's at stake and the more your judgement could be clouded. Write down the answers to the questions above. Talk to your 'second opinion' about your answers. When it comes to decision time, you should have a clear path. 

What's the hardest career decision you've ever made? Who do you trust to be your sounding board? 

To learn more about career coaching, go to