So here you are, focused on your vision. You took a new
position that is going to bring you closer to your goals. Everything is perfect
and in place. And then… you are thrown a curve ball. The CEO leaves the company
and the job you moved for has been eliminated. This happened to me shortly
after joining a company. I was offered another role, but it would move me far
away from my vision. In fact, the move would have set me back years. I am not
going to pretend I wasn’t disappointed in the changes that transpired. The
company I was working for at the time didn’t seem to understand why I was
dissatisfied with their alternative offer. I considered my options and decided
it was better for me to leave the company rather than stay in a role that
pulled me further away from my vision. I am sure that was not the story book
ending you were hoping to hear from a career coach, but it was what I needed to
Alternatively, I had a client who experienced something
similar. Unfortunately, she was not able to walk away as easily as I was. She
had a family to support and needed to make both her job and vision work despite
the change in direction from her company. Working together, we were able to craft
a plan where her vision would be attainable.
We reframed her new role and department in terms of her vision. She
presented her ideas to the company in a way that not only would benefit her,
but also the company. It was a win-win.
When you experience unexpected and unwelcomed change, how
can you reframe to make the most of it? Where have you seen examples of this in
your professional career? Who have you worked with that is a good balance of
pragmatic and opportunistic? How can you influence your current situation to
bring you closer towards your vision?
To learn more about career coach Kate Kibler, go to