Title – What’s in a name?
The question of how important a title is comes up often
when candidates are considering a job change.
In past postings we have mentioned that titles mean different things at
different companies. Kate has been
writing about vision. When you are
considering a job move how important is title to reaching your vision?
Much research has been done on job satisfaction. Title usually ranks behind work
relationships, job content and compensation in importance to job satisfaction.
Since the tough economy in 2008 created many layoffs in our
industry, we have not seen many people get a promotion in “Title” upon being
hired by a new company. It is more
common to see lateral moves in title and in many cases taking a “Title Down” to
join a new employer.
There are 5 major factors to consider when considering a job
opportunity outside of your current employer.
What is the job content and scope of
responsibility? Often you can “Title
Down” and actually grow in responsibility.
Things to consider in the job content umbrella are:
Dollar volume for which you are accountable
Size of team
Are there direct reports?
Level of executives you interact with on a daily
What is the immediate impact/accountability you
are able to have on the health of your business?
Corporate culture. Is this a place you are going to like being
every day (ok….most days, every day is probably not realistic)? Are the people respectful and
collaborative? Do they have a clear
strategy and processes in place for you to do the job expected of you?
Does the salary meet your requirements?
Take into consideration cost of living differential if you are moving to
a new location.
Make sure you have an open mind regarding location if your life allows
you the flexibility to consider relocation. There are more opportunities available if
you are willing to move. You might have
a perception of an area that is not correct.
Most companies will set up tours for you to explore areas as part of the
interview process. Realtors are great
resources and are usually happy to provide a community tour.
Are you comfortable with the title relative to
the work you will be doing?
If the majority of the 5 factors are a positive change you
may be missing a great opportunity if you focus only on the title of a
What title do you think should be next for you in your
career? Have you ever “Titled Down” and
been happier? Have you ever taken a
promotion in title that turned out to be less satisfying than your previous
role? Check out what titles we are working
on for our clients at www.apparel-resource.com